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Television news is understood as an account of an event usually comprising of a short introduction and a few minutes of film footage sometimes referred to as the editorial, created as a result of the work of reporters, broadcast on television, usually as one of the elements in the structure of a news magazine, but also as an element. He graduated from jagiellonian university medical college, faculty of medicine in 1978 and specializes in anesthesiology. Przegladaj tysiace produktow, zamow i skorzystaj z darmowej dostawy do salonow empik w calej polsce. Arystoteles na dzis may 23, 2014 ruchy czlowieka slusznie dumnego zdaja sie byc powolne, glos niski, jego mowa spokojna, bo kto dba o niewiele tylko rzeczy, ten zwykl sie nie spieszyc, a ktos, dla kogo nic nie jest wazne, nie popada w rozdraznienie.
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